

email picWe operate an Email User Group to facilitate fast and easy communication throughout the Branch and with Guild Officers. All Branch documentation (Agendas and Minutes of business meetings, details of training courses, practices and outings, results of competitions, newsletters, winners of prizes etc) is distributed in this way.

In addition, members of the User Group can request or send information to everyone else by means of a single email – for example, when looking for ringers for a wedding, to cancel a practice, to alert ringers to a change in the time of service ringing, to gather advice from others or involve people in ringing-related discussions. For more information or to join the Email User Group please send an email to the secretary stating the tower to which you belong.


For the latest updates and guidance on ringing during the pandemic, we are guided by the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers. See the latest situation including information on ringing recovery, at


EBSB NEWS April 2016 page 1Our Newsletter contains a wide range of articles related to ringing in the Branch and is prepared and circulated via the Email User Group three times per year. For recent editions, click here.

The Newsletter Editor is always pleased to receive news and photos for inclusion.


The EBSB branch website of the ODG